Monday, July 6, 2009

Dancing in Cairo - Michelle Sawyer

I wanted to teach dance at Saint Andrew’s as my independent project ever since I saw the children dancing to Aqua’s “Dr. Jones” on the first day. However, I was always skeptical as to what would be appropriate material to teach them. I am already seen as this symbol of Western promiscuity just by being a white female in Cairo; I didn’t need to make things worse by teaching the kids how to properly isolate their hips.

But to my surprise, the girls had already mastered the art of sexual dancing. As weird as it may sound, I’ve seen some fully veiled 17-year-old refugees get down. So, if they already knew how to do body rolls like Beyoncé, I wasn’t going to worry about my material being too risqué.

Since “Single Ladies” was already one of the students’ favorite songs, I figured they would get excited about learning the dance from the music video. And they did. The only part I was worried about teaching was the segment starting 53 seconds in. But to my surprise they already knew it. (If you don’t know the part I’m referring to, please see the music video.)

My professor wants me to use the available funding to get these girls costumes. Do you think I’d be pushing it if I got them black leotards and spike heels?

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